Handling Symbolic Data |
Our Six Layer Model of Representations
We present here a six layer conceptual framework for handling symbolic
data of various kinds, including XML, object serialization, programming
language text, E's own Term-tree
system, and more. As with the ISO seven layer protocol model, we propose
this model as a way to organize the issues, as shown in the table below,
in which the representations range from more concrete ones at the bottom
to more abstract ones at the top. Each individual data representation
system, like XML, will be shown as its own tower. Where possible, these
towers will be a subset of the model tower shown below. We will also explain
those ways in which a particular representation system does not fit this
model. Some representational systems, like relational databases, are so
far outside the model that it's not useful to try to shoehorn them in.
The Six Layers of Representation |
Abstracting Steps |
Rendering Steps |
object graphs
eg, an E heap. |
Loading, Instantiation |
Extraction, Traversal |
symbol graphs
eg, semantic nets |
eg, shortening IDREFs,
resolving scopes |
Untangling |
symbol trees
eg, Abstract Syntax Trees, S-Expressions, Term Trees,
XML DOM tree and infoset |
Parsing |
eg, pretty printing |
symbol sequences
eg, Tokens |
Lexing |
Printing |
char sequences
eg, Unicode, surface syntax |
eg, UTF8, decompression |
eg, UTF8, compression |
octet sequences
eg, files |
Within each tower, the representation box at each layer stands for the
set of all possible things which can be said in the "language"
of that representation. For example, the 'char sequences' box in a given
layer might represent the set of all possible sequences of Unicode characters.
Any particular sequence of Unicode characters would be a member of this
set, or a "sentence" of this "language".
Taxonomy of Transformations
A transformation is a mapping from instances in one representation to
instances of another representation. Those transformations that map from
lower level to higher level representations with a given tower are abstractors,
shown on the left in the above table. The transformations in the opposite
direction are renderers, shown on the right in the table.
Not shown in the above table are the transformations that operate within
a level. We distinguish two kinds. Transformations within a level within
one tower are operators. They map from members of a set to members
of the same set, so that one may speak about repeated application, closure
properties, and such. Transformations within a level but between towers
are translators. They map a sentence said in one language into
a corresponding sentence of another language, where these two languages
are at a similar conceptual level.
Actual transformations can often be described as compositions of these
transformational steps. For example, the front-end of a compiler can be
described (approximately) as the composition of a tower of abstractors,
reading UTF8 octets into Unicode characters, lexing these into tokens,
parsing these into an abstract syntax tree, and resolving scopes and types
into a graph representation of the program. Here the upward source-oriented-representation
tower stops. The backend of a compiler can be described as the composition
of renderers in a separate tower, rendering a flow graph into a sequence
of symbolic instructions, which could be rendered into an assembly language,
to be assembled into a linkable binary file.
The compiler as a whole is the composition of the the source-oriented
tower of abstractors, the translator from the source-oriented-graph to
the computation-oriented-graph, and the computation-oriented tower of
renderers. Note that even in our idealized story, some levels were skipped:
the compiler backend rendered the flow graph into an instruction sequence
in one step, without going through a tree representation. Actual compilers
also skip the assembly language step, going from symbolic instructions
to binary instructions in one step. Sometimes it will be useful to describe
such jumps as a composition of smaller steps, and sometimes it won't.
Towers and Spoke Towers
Abstracting Steps
The abstracting steps on the left are relations providing upwards
transformations, in which data represented at a lower layer is mapped
into a representation at a higher layer. When the specification on an
abstracting step is deterministic, it forms a function -- a relation in
which each acceptable input is mapped to exactly one output. (Note that
one can have a deterministic implementation of a non-deterministic specification,
but it is the determinism of the specification that matters.) Those lower
layer representations that are acceptable as inputs to a given abstracting
step are well formed with respect to that abstracting step. The
set of well-formed inputs are the domain of the abstraction step.
For example, in a tower whose abstracting steps form a C parser, only
those character sequences that form a proper C token would be well formed
input to a C lexer.
The set higher-layer representations that an abstracting step may produce
are the range of the abstracting step. If a given abstracting step
may produce any possible representations at a higher level, (if its range
is the entire target representation), and if its specification is deterministic,
then it is universal with respect to that higher layer representation.
The domain of a universal abstracting step forms a language for writing
such higher level representations in the lower layer notation -- any higher
layer representation is representable at the lower layer. For example,
if we define a C language tower's symbol-tree layer as a C specific AST,
such that any possible AST configuration correponds to a valid C program,
and if all valid C programs can be written, then (ignoring implementation
limits like finite memory) a C parser would be universal within that tower.
If a given abstracting step maps only to a subset of the higher level
representation, then exactly those higher level representations within
this subset are valid with respect to that abstracting step, and
we have a validating abstracting step. From an abstracting step
one can derive a validity checker that checks whether a given higher
level representation is within the range of the abstraction step. For
example, if we instead define the symbol-tree layer of our C tower in
terms of a more generic AST representation scheme, such as S-Expressions,
then only those S-Expressions that a C parser may produce are valid
-- only these are abstractions of syntactically correct C program source.
Of course, these transformations compose. For the composition of a C
lexer and parser, the well formed character sequences are those that can
be lexed into proper tokens, and in which that token stream is itself
well formed with respect to the parser, ie, can be parsed according to
the language's grammar. Only these character sequences are in the domain
of the composite relation.
Concretizing Steps
The concretizing steps on the right are the inverses of the abstracting
steps. The inverse of a universal abstracting step is a total concretizing
step, and is able to concretize any possible instance of the given higher
level representation. When a concretizing step's specification is deterministic,
we say it is a canonicalizing function, and that each of its possible
outputs is canonical. For example, a deterministic C parser would
generally map C programs which differed only in their whitespace to the
same AST. A C pretty printer would then print that one AST in some one
way. By parsing and pretty printing C programs, we have abstracted away
from their whitespace differences, and made two programs that were otherwise
identical map to the identical output.
Transformations within a Box
Cross-Tower Transformations
Match-Bind-Substitute Programming