Five Elements of
Decision Alignment
Joint work with Bill Tulloh |
Both social and computational systems organize around the division of
knowledge and labor. How can Alice encourage Bob to make decisions that
serve Alice's needs?
H2H: Human-to-Human
Organization, Society |
H2O: Human-to-Object
User interface, Notation |
O2O: Object-to-Object
API Design |
Explanation |
Hermeneutics |
User interface
Notation design |
Expressiveness |
Authority |
Law, rights
Need to know
Separation of duties |
Ping's paper |
POLA Patterns |
Incentives |
Economics |
Agorics |
Inspection |
Auditing |
"High Assurance"
Open Source eyeballs |
Monitoring |
Auditing, Management |
Spam filters
Virus checkers
Intrusion detectors
Virus checkers
Intrusion detectors |
Causality |