Installing The Java RuntimeSee the Dependencies section for information on obtaining an appropriate version of Java and Swing. Installing EFor windows users, we recommend downloading the zip of E distribution. If you have not already done so, create a folder named
Place the zip file into this directory and unpack it there. When you have unpacked the image, you should end up with a directory tree that looks like: c:\ | +-- setup.pif | +-- setup.bat | +-- bin Double click on the file setup.pif. This will install the start menu entries for E and Elmer. If you can't run setup.pif, try running setup.bat. If this doesn't work, try right-clicking on setup.pif to bring up a menu, and select "Properties". Go to the "Memory" tab, and make the "Initial environment" at least 1280. If this still doesn't work, just copy the e.pif and elmer.pif files from "c:\\bin\win32\" to "c:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\\" to put them on your start menu. If this still doesn't work, do the same memory adjustment to the e.pif and elmer.pif files you are trying to launch. If this still doesn't work, you should seriously consider upgrading to E 0.8.9. It installs for real, uses no *.bat or *.pif files. Once this is done, from your start menu you can start up E
by selecting either the "Programs >> >>
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