Last updated: [98/05/18 Arturo] [98/05/18 Arturo added note on bundle/ingredient separation, finished formatting] This page was originally written by Arturo who is also the author of the original version of the subsystem with help of Scott Lewis. IntroductionState serialization involves a number of support classes for helping the developer to save only the core semantic state of the application. Saving the core state minimizes the number of classes that need to be made serializable and upgradeable.There are three levels for the support, the lowest one is a serialization stream based on Java serialization, then there is E Runtime support for the core classes and finally in the Pluribus runtime there is support for saving the una and the relationships between them. Related Documents
RequirementsJava Serialization StreamThe requirements for the serialization stream are:
E Runtime SupportSupport was needed for the following core classes:
Pluribus Runtime and UnaThere were three basic requirements for saving the una, one of them as we move into the future is not applicable:
ArchitectureDiagrams are strongly encouraged; a few diagrams can do wonders for clairifying an architecture. If you don't know how to add diagrams consult Lani and Amy.Current Architecture OverviewIntroductionOur initial approach to persistence for MicroCosm was orthogonal persistence. Orthogonal persistence consists of establishing a boundary within a process (what we called a vat) and then saving everything within that boundary, including ongoing computation. This 'save everything' approach had several disadvantages:
In the case of the Registrar which has over 20 instance variables we only needed to save the Private/Public key pair. For una we just need to save, and maintain consistent the state bundles used at initialization. Saving the minimal amount of information possible ('Principle of least commitment') makes upgrade much easier to manage. As I was testing startup behavior I kept modifying classes like the Registrar while maintaining the same save file because all it needed from it was the key pair, I could have rewritten the entire class and the save file remains the same. When you serialize an object to disk you are committing for the foreseeable future to maintain it, to upgrade it and to upgrade any objects that refer to it. So it is very important that you evaluate carefully before you make a class Serializable, to ask yourself the question 'Am I ready to make that kind of commitment?' For most objects we are just using plain Java serialization, the extra support we needed to provide was:
Making a class serializableDo you, Programmer, take this Object to be part
of the persistent state of your application, to have and to hold,
through maintenance and iterations, for past and future versions,
as long as the application shall live?
- Erm, can I get back to you on that?
When you are first choosing which objects are to be made Serializable you need to carefully evaluate what you will be saving. When you make a class Serializable you are committing to support:
Questions to ask yourself as you are deciding whether to make a class serializable
When implementing serialization for cosm I made the base state bundle
class Serializable, I walked through the code converting everything
that seemed straightforward. When I got to the presentation state in
the containership state bundle I found a class called DEStartupData,
upon further examination it turned that this class ended up referring
to another 10 classes that went all the way into the bottom of the system.
It was a good time to stop and evaluate whether I wanted to make that
commitment to all of those classes, after examining the code I realized
that I could just save a little information and reconstruct everything
at startup.
If you tag a class as Serializable Java will save all of the instance variables in it (except for the ones marked as transient). This automatic behavior is convenient for some classes but for others like the Registrar it makes sense to implement a writeObject and readObject methods to capture any special behavior including instantiating helper objects, or getting at any resources of the local session. I got bit when using this a couple of times because I got used to the fact that most of my classes were being saved implicitly, so when I added an instance variable to a class that had custom serialization methods I got all sorts of null pointers because I didn't add the mechanism to save and read in that new instance variable.
(Btw, it would be nice to have something much more flexible than transient that depended on the Serializer being used, you can get some of this behavior by implementing writeObject/readObject and then checking the instanceof the serializer passed in).
Once you're sure, really sure that you want to save it
You get the value for that variable using a tool provided by JavaSoft, when you run that tool in your class you are establishing what you're committing to maintain. Any future versions of the class that have the same SerialVersionUID need to be able to support in read/write all of the variables and methods of the version of the class for which you computed it. So when you've finished implementing and debugging your serializable class, you commit to that version using this. Remember the principle of least commitment, the less you save, the
less you have to maintain. Other notes about Java Serialization
E runtime serialization supportThese sections describe the classes in the E runtime that have serialization support. The most important one for a networked E application is the Registrar since it is the source of a process' identity as well as a part of every SturdyRef published by that process. SturdyRef support is divided between the user of a SturdyRef and the publisher of a SturdyRef, finally there is a brief note on writing serialization support for a networked E application.The Registrar and Process IDIn E your process' identity is based on the Registrar's key pair. Any SturdyRef that you publish is a combination of that process' identity and a swiss number assigned to that object. So if you want to preserve process identity and any SturdyRef that you published the first thing you need to do is save the Registrar.Registrar is Serializable, but due to its unique role in an E system it has special properties:
SturdyRefs publishing and usingThere are two sides to preserving SturdyRefs, one is when you are a client holding onto a SturdyRef and another is when you're a publishers, holding onto an RtForwardingSturdyRef.Using a SturdyRefSturdyRefs are Serializable. The capability obtained from doing a followRef should be stored on a transient variable and reestablished at init.If there is no existing Registrar when trying to read in a SturdyRef an IOException will be thrown on decode. Publisher using RtForwardingSturdyRefUsually you publish a SturdyRef the following way:SturdyRef ref = myRegistrar.getSturdyRefMaker().makeSturdyRef(obj); That SturdyRef is the unique network identifier of that object, it is a combination of the Registrar's public key and a swiss number assigned to that object. For Serialization we wanted to be able to keep the SturdyRef (that other processes might be saving) without having to serialize the object that it designates. This is the RtForwardingSturdyRef class. You create and publish RtForwardingSturdyRef the following way: RtForwardingSturdyRef forwardingRef = The RtForwardingSturdyRef is a Serializable object that you can put in your state bundle. At revival time you need to set a target for it using setTarget. A target can only be set once. At revival the SturdyRef will not be published until you set a target. (I could change this behavior to set up and publish a Channel at decode to be forwarded once a target is set). The RtForwardingSturdyRef will preserve the SturdyRef/Identity while allowing you upgrade and evolve its target separately. For example, our identity infrastructure is based on a SturdyRef to the identity ingredient. We wanted to be able to keep the SturdyRef/identity without having to serialize the identity object. The state bundle for the identity ingredient looks as follows: public class istIdentity extends istBase { And the the (abriged) init method for the identity ingredient looks as follows: init(istIdentity identityState) { if (null == identityState.myIdentityForwardRef) { An RtForwardingSturdyRef depends on the Registrar information to preserve the published SturdyRef's identity, hence when you serialize a RtForwardingSturdyRef instance you also serialize that process' one true Registrar. At deserialization the Registrar read in compares itself with an existing one and if the comparison fails the deserialization fails since the SturdyRef can't be preserved. Note on making a networked application serializableDue to the importance of the Registrar to the system it is a good idea to save and read in the process' Registrar as the first thing in the Object stream. This should be done as a separate step since if you make it the first instance variable in your application's bundle there is no guarantee that it will be the first thing saved/read (as MikeS discovered with a Duplicate Registrar bug).State bundles and saving unaAn unum is a distributed object composed of instances of objects called ingredients. An unum instance in a process is called a presence, the first (prime) presence of an unum is also its host. An unum instance/host presence is uniquely paired to the SoulState instance which is used to instantiate it. A SoulState is a class that keeps all of the state bundles used to instantiate the ingredients that make an unum's host presence. For state bundle persistence the SoulState is the unum's representation in the Object stream.A SoulState is uniquely paired to an Unum instance. A SoulState keeps the state bundles used to initialize the host ingredients. It is these bundles that are saved for persistence, your ingredient must keep and update the state bundle given to it at initialization time. State bundlesState bundles are serializable struct like classes with a number of mutable public variables and no methods beyond constructors. These objects are used to initialize ingredients. Usually different ingredient implementations of the same kind (einterface) share the same state bundle class. Their class names are prefixed by 'ist'.[98/05/18 Arturo added note on bundle/ingredient separation] The benefits of separating the state bundle from its ingredient are:
Example istDescription state bundle used to initialize the iiSimpleDescriber and iiDescribeWithLink ingredients: public class istDescriber extends istBase { /** a brief name, e.g. as used in labels */ Any state that you want persisted needs to be reflected, and updated in the state bundle used to instantiate the host ingredient. The instance variables in the state bundle have to be one of the following:
Only return the host/initial state bundle if it contains non-mutable data. Otherwise instantiate and return 'client' version of the state bundle (usually the same class with less data). SoulStateThe goal of the SoulState was to be able to save the least amount of information possible about an unum while retaining all of its meaningful state. To do this theSoulState saves three pieces of information:
The SoulState class serves a dual role:
A SoulState also has a unique jCapabilityGroup instance. A jCapabiltyGroup is a hashtable used to export capabilities to that unum. It incorporates mechanism to allow the exported capabilities to get reconstructed at startup (see Inter-unum relationships and capability recouping). Decoding behavior and transient capabilities.Usually SoulStates will instantiate their corresponding una at decode. But there are certain special una that depend on special objects/capabilities created at startup before being instantiated. The two cases of this are the Realm and the Avatar.To support these objects, SoulState has a function called instantiateOnReadObject that allows you control whether the unum is instantiate on decode: myRealmSoulState = new SoulState(); This way you can set any transient capabilities in the state bundle of that SoulState at startup. When you're done you call: Unum myRealm = myRealmSoulState.makeUnum(); Or createUnum using that SoulState. Inter-unum relationships and capability recoupingSince the SoulState is the only thing that gets saved of an unum we needed to establish a way to save inter-unum pointers without actually saving the una or the ingredients. This led to the implementation of the capability recouping pattern where intermediary objects are used to save the relationship in terms of the SoulState while providing straightforward reconstruction at startup.AssumptionsRight now only host presences are saved, and only inter-host relationships are saved this way. Otherwise SturdyRefs are used. Inter unum capabilities are expressed in terms of facets, which are strongly typed objects that wrap the ingredients directly.Publishing a capabilityAt init time you use the unum's jCapabilityGroup to establish the initial recoupable capability:init() { makeAndAddCapability of type will create a facet to the ingredient that is reestablished after revival. The string is the name of the einterface that the target object implements. An EStone of that type will be created. At decode a EUniChannel of that type will be created while the real capability is republished. To send that recoupable capability to another unum you need to get it from the jCapabiltyGroup using: kind ukAddUnum cap = (kind ukAddUnum) capabilityGroup.getCapabilityOfType("ec.cosm.objects.ukAddUnum$kind");
We also use this to establish inter-object relationships in the MCUnumFactory, in this case we have the factory fetch the capability from the group and give it as an initialization parameters. Using, and saving a capabilityYou start by adding jRecoupableCapability instance variable to your state bundle:public class istContainable extends istBase { Upon receipt of the real capability store in the jRecoupableCapability iv: method haveCapability(kind ukAddUnum cap) { At init (either initial or from revival, it is the same) get the capability from the jRecoupableCapability: init(istContainable state) { The reason for passing the transient capabilities and using the intermediary objects to reestablish the relationships was that this kind of serialization was retrofitted to our existing code base. In a more sensible future the object passed around as the capability should include all of the mechanisms for establishing and recuperating. Low level Serialization supportDesign ObjectivesTo provide Object Output and Object Input streams that allows us to implement the following serializing policies:
StateOutputStreamextends and enforces the encoding policy as outlined above. StateInputStreamextends support for deserializing Registrars and SturdyRefs, you need to instantiate it with a valid EEnvironment at instantiation time. RtDelegateToSerializeImplemented by an object that defers serialization to another object, this interface needs to be used with care since it does not do any type checking on the object replacement.Its principal use is in the RtDeflector base class, an RtDeflector is a strongly typed stub generated by ecomp that turns invocations into an generalized form (the RtTether interface), EUniChannel and Proxy instances usually have an RtDeflector instance in front providing the strong typing. When writing out an object stream we are not interested in saving (and hence comitting to) these intermediary objects so you need to establish which object a RtDeflector instance will serialize in its place. This is this is used internally by jCapabilityGroup and jRecoupableCapability. State Time MachineThe state time machine provides methods and mechanism for managing a save file for an application. It is a subclass of TimeMachine, so it leverages off of all of the existing mechanism for saving a temporary file, backup and etc. Now, with the introduction of state bundles, when TimeMachine.summon(Eenvironment) is called, a StateTimeMachine will be created and returned. This makes it so that all existing code that uses the TimeMachine does not have to be touched.The StateTimeMachine save provides a notification architecture to help with serialization debugging, profiling, and ultimately this will be used for a user 'thermometer' UI to indicate save/restore progress. This notification is provided in the two classes: StateSerializer and StateUnserializer. When a TimeMachine is told to save a running microcosm, a StateSerializer instance is created, and it does the actual serialization of the state bundles to the StateOutputStream. During serialization of the state bundles, the StateOutputStream calls back on the StateSerializer before every object is serialized. The method called on the StateSerializer is 'objectToBeWritten'. If spam is turned on by putting: "Trace_ec.e.serialstate.StateSerializer=debug" in the props file, then spam that already exists in this method will be produced for every object that is serialized. This is useful for debugging, but use with caution as it will produce a lot of spam. For restore, the same thing is done with the StateUnserializer. To trace on restore of state bundles objects, put "Trace_ec.e.serialstate.StateUnserializer=debug" in the props file. Again, much spam will result, so please use with caution. Proposed Architecture OverviewState bundle serialization seems to have worked well, the change to do now that legacy interfaces are not an issue is to remove the support for managing live object references and move to explicit serializable references (probably based on SturdyRefs or its descendent).Off the shelf alternativesWe used Java serialization at the core of the subsystem, if there is a performance issue we should explore alternatives.Other Design Objectives, Constraints and AssumptionsN/ACurrent implementationWhich directories on our tree does this subsystem cover?ec4/javasrc/ec/e/serialstate - for the core serialization supportec4/javasrc/ec/pl/runtime - for jCapabilityGroup, Capabilty recoupers and istBase class. Is it JavaDoc'ed?It is partially JavaDoc'ed, Arturo needs to finish the documentation and make sure it makes sense.ExamplesToDo: Yes, but they're not cleaned up or checked in.Testing and DebuggingNot beyond runing cosm, should have standalone test.Design IssuesResolved IssuesHistory of issues raised and resolved during initial design, or during design inspections. Can also include alternative designs, with the reasons why they were rejectedOpen IssuesThis section of the document is used by the authors and moderator to store any incomplete information - issues identified during a design inspection but not yet resolved (the task list), notes that aren't ready to be put into the main text, etc.
Unless stated otherwise, all text on this page which is either unattributed or by Mark S. Miller is hereby placed in the public domain.