Asynchronous Optimistic Messaging
for Distributed Secure Reliable O-O Programming
Last updated: [July 10, 1998. MarkM]
Document authored by MarkM.
Original Subsystem (E) authored primarily by Danfuzz
Current Subsystem (ELib and
E) authored by MarkM.
See "What Javadoc Does Who Need to Know?"
below, to get started quickly.
Over time, programmers have become (in some ways) reasonably successful
at organizing computation that occurs within a single machine. The necessary
lessons cost generations of failed companies. For to succeed,
we must become reasonably successful at organizing computation spread
across a large number of machines, while securely serving the interests
of a diverse set of parties. To succeed at this, we cannot afford to learn
the necessary lessons from scratch -- these would likely be even more
expensive than the uni-machine lessons. Nor can we simply leverage the
lessons of previous distributed systems builders -- there are not yet
adequate demonstrations of success. Instead, we must borrow lessons from
uni-machine programming where appropriate.
But only where appropriate! Distributed systems (such as CORBA and RMI)
can also fail by overgeneralization from uni-machine programming practices.
In certain ways, uni-machine and distributed systems are very similar.
In other ways, they are very different. Our strategy for generalizing
uni-machine programming paradigms must account for both their similarities
and their differences.
Related Documents
Current issues
Some current issues with the design of New-E have their own pages explaining
the design space and the potential solutions.
Currently the only one is the proxy typing
Background reading
E derives from a long and diverse pedigree of languages and operating
Those in blue (and connected by green links) are those that have a capability-nature,
whether or not they were actually capability secure. Most important of
E's ancestors is Joule. See
Agorics' KeyKOS
pages, and Jonathan Shapiro's KeyKOS
and EROS pages.
Ken Kahn & Mark Miller, "Language
Design and Open Systems" in The Ecology of Computation,
ed Bernardo Huberman, North Holland, 1988.
E Extension to Java" (a white paper)
"Satan Comes to Dinner" (secure
dining philosophers in E)
Mark Stiegler's "Intro
to Capability Security"
MarkM's "Computer
Security" pages (still in formation)
Presentation on Mult-E to OnLive (powerpoint converted to html XXX files
"A wise man even learns from the mistakes of others" --seen
on a fortune cookie.
Requirements (or Strong Preferences)
Smooth integration between the local/sequential and distributed worlds.
- Abstraction power of Object Orientation in both worlds.
- Capability Security Paradigm integrated across both worlds.
- Concurrency control amenable to maintaining the invariants of mutable
objects under all conditions.
Powerful and simple programming paradigm for organizing distributed computation,
that accomodates the properties of distributed systems.
- Partial Failure
- Inherent Asynchrony
- Long Latencies
- "Cooperation
without Vulnerability" without a shared TCB (Trusted Computer
- Objects that outlive program versions (and hence may need to be upgraded)
- Co-existence of diverse versions of the participating programs
Single address space test: Programs built correctly for the distributed
case work correctly in the local case.
Requirements (or strong preferences) not met by the current E system:
- E itself provides no support for upgrade, and arguably shouldn't.
This is provided instead by state bundles.
- E does not currently support version co-existence.
- Provision of the above by a library within a standard language (eg,
Java) without
- bloat (unreasonable expansion from the code as written by the
programmer to the code that runs)
- preprocessors
- post-processors
- funky classloaders
- or anything else that would inhibit straightforward use of stock
programming environments and debuggers.
Starting Uni-Machine Programming Paradigms:
Abstraction mechanisms |
Object-oriented programming |
As in Smalltalk |
Security |
patterns |
As in KeyKOS |
Concurrency |
Actors/Event-loop programming |
As in Joule |
Relevant Differences of Distributed Computation:
Partial Failure |
"Quake" model of failures
Sturdy vs Fragile References |
Inherently Asynchronous |
One-way Messages |
Long Latencies |
Non-blocking event loop
Optimistic References
Pipelined Requests |
No Universal TCB |
Object/Machine Trust Equivalence |
Objects outlive versions |
State Bundles (outside E) |
Comm Co-existence |
Not currently supported |
Current Architecture Overview
The introduction set the scene; this section gives the key properties
of the current design. It may mention classes and some important interfaces
but it doesn't go into details. Someone should be able to read just the
overviews of our design documents and get a good understanding of how
the system works and fits together, without knowing the full details.
Also include any insights gained from experience like design bugs or
expense discovered in usage.
Proposed Architecture Overview
These need to be turned into real illustrations surrounded by a real

Off the shelf alternatives
Any notes about potential off the shelf technologies that could be
used, and their trade-offs.
Other Design Objectives, Constraints and Assumptions
Lists any special objectives and assumptions of the code e.g. reusability,
thread safety, security, performance, use of resources, compatibility
with existing code etc. This section gives important context for reviewers
Current implementation
What Javadoc Does Who Need to Know?
All of ELib is javadoc'ed, but for the ELib user most of this is irrelevant
internal detail. The normal ELib application programmer should only need
to use the methods found in E,
the static pair making methods of Ref,
and the methods found in Resolver.
Intermediate between ELib implementer and ELib application programmer
is the ELib framework creator -- using the ELib constructs to create new
forms of message plumbing. In the E language, the abstraction provided
for this purpose was the Deflector. In ELib, one instead defines new implementors
of Callable
(for intercepting synchronous calls) or Ref
(for intercepting asynchronous and synchronous calls). For example, A
Proxy would be a kind of Vow, since it needs to intercept asynchronous
calls, whereas a vat-to-crew or crew-to-vat Tether may be a Callable,
if it only needs to intercept synchronous calls.
If one wished to create multiple runQ's (need link to issues), one would
also need to use the class Runner.
Examples, Testing and Debugging
ELib is currently tested by two pieces of code: ERunDemo
is a trivial test/example that demostrates event-loop concurrency and
Promise-based optimism. E is a programming
language, usable as a test harness to test/exercise/debug all of ELib
as well as programs built using ELib. (As you might guess from the names,
ELib was originally built to be the runtime library for E.)
Known Bugs & Deficiencies
E.whenKept() and E.whenBroken() are not yet implemented.
demonstrates and documents a mysterious (but repeatable!) concurrency
control bug that doesn't occur under the debugger. This is high priority.
The coverage testing hooks in org.erights.e.elib.prim.JavaMemberNode
provide access to global static state, and so provide a covert channel.
This needs to be guarded by a capability which can be given out only to
authorized testing code.
ELib to Java Binding Issues:
- Only arguments are coerced to the parameter type. We should also coerce
the receiver to the receiver type. (in org.erights.e.elib.prim.JavaMemberNode.execute())
- org.erights.e.elib.prim.JavaMemberNode.coerce() is a hacky bunch of
special cases that grew as needed, rather than a principled framework.
Such a principled framework has yet to be designed.
- Deflectors of public java interfaces should eventually be generated
and loaded on the fly, driven by attempting to load a mangling of
the original interface name.
- org.erights.e.elib.prim.ScriptMaker currently presents all
public java methods and fields of all public java classes, modulo
1) In overloading, only name and arity are significant. and 2) A sugaring
mechanism whereby various sugaring classes (org.erights.e.elib.base.*Sugar
and org.erights.e.elib.prim.ObjectSugar) add or override instance methods
of the corresponding java classes. Deficiencies in this mechanism:
- When more than one java method of the same name has the same arity,
an arbitrary one wins. This is unacceptably stupid. Rather, that
name-arity should be ruined for that object (bound to a method that
throws), and methods with each of the full signatures as names should
be defined instead. Partially done: Methods we also
register the methods under mangled names using the parameter-type
- I'm not sure whether a non-sugar instance method on a subclass
can override a sugar method associated with a superclass. This is
needed for the ambassador pattern.
- For production use, methods should be exported explicitly, and
hidden by default. The exported methods should all be audited for
- For debugging use, where methods are exported by default (as in
the current implementation) one must be able to explicitly prevent
certain methods from being exported (such as java.lang.Object.wait()).
- The binding between a class and its sugaring class is currently
by initialize-time registration in org.erights.e.elib.prim.ScriptMaker.
It should instead be by class discovery of a mangling of the original
class's name.
- Inheritance of multiple sugaring (for which there are no known
cases) just picks the sugaring of an arbitrary supertype, rather
than doing the right thing. What "the right thing" is
here has yet to be specified.
- There is currently no way to sugar a static method.
- JavaMemberNodes are currently recreated rather than inherited,
leading to wasted space, and making the ELib coverage recorder much
less useful.
- Each array type gets its own vtable with its own JavaMemberNodes,
when they should instead be shared, similarly wasting space and
making coverage stats less meaningful.
- ELib needs a protocol-inquiry meta-protocol so that, for example,
an object can be registered as listening only for those events it can
respond to. (thanks for this requirement go to Tony Grant and Bill Frantz)
E would also benefit from this addition.
Design Issues
Resolved Issues
- Methods are registered under both their unmangled and their mangled
names. See The E-to-Java Binding Spec.
- If p is a broken reference, should E.resolution(p) throw
a NestedException containing the problem, or should it return p?
Either answer is semantically plausible, so it would be good to know
which is more convenient. But this needs to get pinned down soon!
- Done. If p is broken, E.resolution(p) returns p. Turns
out to be much more convenient.
Open Issues
- Proxy typing
- Are optimistic return results good? (placeholder for link to possible
document by Arturo)