Has the conventional meaning -- evaluates the expressions in order. The
value of the sequence expression as a whole is the value of the last expression.
If any of the ealier expressions perform a non-local exit, then all later
expressions are skipped and the sequence expression as a whole performs
the same non-local exit.
eExpr ("\n", eExpr)*
<!ELEMENT seqExpr ((%eExpr;)+)>
In a non-value context (a for-effect-only context), it's just
the same sequence of expressions. In a value context, we assign
the value of the last expression to our result variable. |
def x := {
def x :any := {
Object result_3;
E.call(println, "run" "foo")
result_3 = E.call(bar, "run")
Object x = result_3;
With some work, we should be able to assign to "x"
directly, and avoid creating the temporary "result_3".
x |