Running Updoc & Elmer
This chapter is an example of an Updoc script that
tests part of the java.util.Vector class. It is also an example
of what makes Updoc such a useful utility. The test cases defined in this
file ran successfully with some earlier version of the system. The question
now is: Do the tests still succeed or do they fail because they no longer
exercise the correct behavior?
Let's find out. Let's ask Updoc to process this file and
tell us if the test cases (i.e., E
code snippets) pass or fail. (Though please see "Security
Considerations" below before running this or any other Updoc
In bash or MSDOS shell (or most other shells), you can do
this by entering the command updoc.e followed by the URL for
this web page. Enter this after the shell's prompt, shown below as a "$".
$ updoc.e
The "$" represents your shell's prompt, whatever that may be.
The rest of the first line is what you type into your shell. Depending
on your configuration (see (*** need a link)),
you may need to say "rune updoc.e" rather than
just "updoc.e".
Following your command line, you see Updoc's output. First, there's a
blank line. This is followed by the name of the file that was processed.
Test cases that pass are shown as dots ('.'). (This is a simple visual
indication that Updoc is still cranking away. When the input is very large
and most tests succeed, the dots can be reassuring.) The report for failing
test cases includes the expression that failed and failure details.
*** currently, Elmer no longer works ***
If you copy the contents of this chapter into a plain text file, let's
say, "updoc.txt", you can interactively read it in
Elmer. Elmer allows you to try out these examples -- or variants
-- as dictated by your curiosity. You run Elmer by typing
$ elmer.e updoc.txt
Elmer is a simple, Notepad-like text editor with one extra feature: If
you type the Enter key at the end of a line beginning with a question
mark (question mark is the E prompt), this line is evaluated as a line
of E script, and the resulting output shown. For example:
? pragma.syntax("0.8")
? 2 + 3
# value: 5
Try changing the example, putting the cursor at the end of the line,
and typing the Enter key. When you want to stop interacting with E,
just backspace over the new question mark. You are now just editing text
Example: Exploring Vectors
To begin with, we need a sample Vector. Vectors can be instantiated with
the no-argument constructor, which we write in E as follows:
? def v := <unsafe:java.util.makeVector>()
# value: Vec[]
In E, a Vector prints by printing
its elements separated by commas, enclosed by square brackets, and prefixed
by "Vec". Therefore "Vec[]" is how an empty
Vector prints. You can add elements to the end of a Vector like so:
? v.addElement("foo")
? v.addElement(3)
? v
# value: Vec["foo", 3]
A Vector has both a size and a capacity:
? v.size()
# value: 2
? v.capacity()
# value: 10
The size is how big it "really" is, ie, how many elements it
holds. The capacity is a behind-the-scenes implementation concept: it
says how big the size can get before the Vector implementation has to
do an expensive reallocate-and-copy operation.
You can also place values at particular positions within the Vector:
? v.setElementAt("bar", 1)
? v
# value: Vec["foo", "bar"]
? v.setElementAt("baz", 4)
# problem: <ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4 >= 2>
? v.setSize(5)
? v.setElementAt("baz", 4)
? v
# value: Vec["foo", "bar", null, null, "baz"]
As you can see, you can only place values in the first "size"
positions of the Vector, independent of capacity. However, you can always
expand the Vector first using "setSize" to ensure that
it contains the position of interest. "setSize" will
initialize any new positions it creates with null.
Executable Documentation and More...
This vector example demonstrates the point of Updoc. Updoc enables this
one chapter to simultaneously serve four purposes.
The chapter serves as checkable documentation about
the Vector class, where you can always check whether the embedded
code examples are accurate. When they aren't, please complain!
The chapter serves as a regression test. Brian Marick
documents (*** need link) that regression
tests normally degenerate over time as a result of maintenance.
To keep the tests running as the software is changed, the purpose
of the test is often lost, and the test is gradually changed into
one that always passes. When the regression tests are embedded examples
in readable documentation, the test-documentation combination would
be rendered noticably incoherent if the test were to become meaningless.
With this chapter, you can do experimental reading.
When reading a code example in a programming manual, how often have
you thought "But what if we try it this other way?" By bringing
an Updoc chapter into Elmer, the text serves as a "user interface"
for interactively poking at the API you're reading about, and trying
out hypothetical variants of the examples shown.
This chapter demonstrates interactive, or even adversarial
writing. I wrote the first draft of this chapter, not by intending
to write a chapter on Java's Vector class, but simply because I was
curious about the meaning of Vector's "size()"
vs "capacity()", so I brought up Elmer to
try these out. By saving this Elmer transcript, I had my first draft.
This is interactive writing. When writing test cases, we should be
trying to creatively break the module being tested, by trying edge
cases or whatever. A live Elmer session gives us a sense of a live
adversary to break. The transcript of the resulting session will often
be a great first draft of the needed chapter/regression-test of the
module. This is adversarial writing.
The Command Line
updoc.e options... files...
The following options are planned, but not yet supported. Currently the
output is always directed to stdout.
-o outputFileName
Write the test results to the output file instead of stdout |
Prints usage information |
Prints problems but not successes |
Following "updoc.e" you give a list of URLs, file
names, and directory names for it to check. If you give it a directory
name, it will check all relevant files in that directory tree.
Files not considered relevant are ignored. Updoc considers a URL or file
name relevant if it ends in one of the extensions it recognizes. Updoc
currently recognizes the following extensions:
Process the file as plain text |
Extract text from HTML |
all relevant files in the directory tree. |
Process the web page as plain text |
Extract text from HTML |
Updoc Input Syntax
Updoc parses plain text files, looking for an expression to evaluate.
A line whose first non-whitespace character is "?" is the first
line of an expression. If the expression spans multiple lines, the first
line starts with "? " and all subsequent lines start with ">
". Leading and trailing spaces are discarded.
Next, the parser looks for an answer: the result returned by the
E interpreter when the test script was written. These are the original
answers. An answer starts with "# keyword: value".
If the answer spans multiple lines, all lines start with "# ".
A blank line follows the last line of an answer. Some answers will contain
run-dependent output, such as a stack trace. Updoc recognizes this output
and ignores it. A single expression can have multiple answers.
Updoc Output
After parsing the input, we have a list of test cases. Each test case
has an expression and its corresponding (original) answers. The expression
is parsed and evaluated to produce new answers. The new answers
are compared to the original, with five possible outcomes:
- New matches original -- success!
- New answer is missing
- Original answer is missing
- New answer and original answer differ
- Syntax error: the input expression didn't successfully parse.
The output starts with the file name. For each successful test case,
a dot is shown. For the others, the original input expression and an explanation
of the problem are shown. In the case of a syntax error, the rest of the
test cases in this test script (this individual Updoc file) are skipped
-- since they may not be meaningful in the absence of evaluating that
expression -- and Updoc proceeds to the next test script.
Security Considerations
Danger Danger Warning Warning
and Elmer by default run Updoc scripts with all their user's authority
-- just as *.e scripts are normally run. Actually, the situation
is currently worse than that -- this default is the only option currently
provided by these programs. This means that the decision to run an Updoc
script must be taken exactly as seriously as the decision of run a *.e
script, which is to say, as seriously as the decision to install a conventional
program on your computer.
Future Directions
Bugs & Other Correctness Issues
dependence. While Updoc itself is as platform independent as E
(which, in turn, inherits Java's platform independence), Updoc scripts
may be as platform dependent as E or Java programs. Worse, Updoc scripts-as-documentation
tend toward platform dependence, since documentation (especially for beginners)
needs concrete examples, that, for example, uses concrete file names on
the file system. It would be hard to rewrite the chapter "Example:
Finding Text" from the E tutorial to be platform independent
while being just as readable. This issue is best addressed while also
addressing the above security issue, since the solutions will share much
mechanism. Until this issue is fixed, the existing Updoc test scripts
in the E source tree and on the website make no claims of
platform independence.
modularity. As with many E programs, Updoc was prototyped
as one long *.e file ("updoc.e"). Following
this prototyping phase, most of the logic of an E program should be moved
into *.emaker files, leaving the *.e file as a small
readable script that does little but evaluate the EMakers and authorize
(grant least authorities to) their instances. This allows one to understand
what authority may be used (or abused) by a utility by reading the (hopefully
small) *.e file, without needing to read the *.emaker
files. (**Move this explanation somewhere else and
link to it.) Updoc has not yet entered this post-prototyping phase
-- it has not yet been separated into *.emaker files.
need to implement the command line options explained above.
interpreter?. Currently, each test script is evaluated in
an environment (scope) in which "interp", "stdout",
and "stderr" are bound to the same values as for Updoc
itself. Instead, each test script should be given a new interpreter, new
output streams, and a new instance of the trace system. The output sent
to the streams and to this trace instance by each test case should be
treated as additional answers produced by that test case, to be compared
along with the others.
test cases. The "interp" object seen by an
Updoc test case does not yet support the messages "blockAtTop()"
and "continueAtTop()". These are currently supported
by the E interpreter, but need to be supported by Updoc as well, so that
a test script can pause between a test case that is supposed to cause
some effect to eventually happen and a test case written assuming the
effect has happened (such as a promise being resolved).
exiting. The "interp" object seen by an Updoc
test case also needs to support the message "exitAtTop(exitCode)",
as does the normal E interpreter. E programs should call this, rather
than "System.exit(exitCode)", in order to terminate
early. By using "interp.exitAtTop(exitCode)", an E
program being run by another E program (as with an Updoc test script)
may exit its nested interpreter without causing the JVM to exit. (**
Put this issue into documentation of the normal E interpreter.)
( Mostly fixed. )
own exitCode. Updoc should remember whether any problems were
encountered during an Updoc run, or if instead all the test cases passed.
Only if all the cases passed should Updoc exit with an exitCode of 0.
Otherwise it should exit with a non-zero exitCode, indicating a problem.
This would allow shell scripts and makefiles to test or stop on a test
failure. (Currently, Updoc always returns an exitCode of 0.) Of course,
once the E interpreter supports exitAtTop(exitCode), Updoc should
use it for this purpose.
Updoc syntax error report doesn't yet conform to Updoc's
output format. In addition, because of the order in which Updoc processes
a test script, if a script contains a syntax error, no feedback from earlier
test cases in that script will be seen.
continuation. Updoc should understand "\" at the end
of a line in the original answer to mean, ignore the following newline.
This would let answers in documentation (such as the ClassCastException
in "Defining Variables")
to be broken into shorter lines for readability.
Coming Attractions
matching. Sometimes the output from one run to the next differs
in inconsequential ways. Sometimes the output contains more detail than
needs to be shown, and would make the text script less readable as documentation.
For both these purposes, Updoc should understand alternate keywords for
the original answers, to signal that the text of the original answer is
not literal text, but rather is a pattern to be matched against the corresponding
new answer. For example, in "Iterating
by Key-Value Pairs", the test case which defines the variable
"capitals" shows an answer with keyword "match:".
This should match against an actual "value:" answer
by treating the "..." in the match-answer as a wildcard.
integration. For each test case that fails you probably want to
find the file it's in, find the expression that failed, and fix the problem.
Interactively locating and fixing problems in scripts will be supported
when Updoc's functionality is integrated into Elmer.
coverage. An individual Updoc file will often be an explanation
of the API for a given abstraction, or a closely related set of abstractions.
Chapters in programming manuals often begin with a broad statement of
"What will be covered in this chapter", and end with a detailed
"What was covered in this chapter". We expect Updoc to provide
testable versions of these. For example, this chapter on the Vector class
might begin with something like
"? def coverage := covering([<unsafe:java.util.Vector>])"
This both tells the reader what abstraction is being covered, and intitializes
internal coverage flags, which are already present in ELib for this purpose.
At the end of this chapter might be a corresponding
"? coverage.covered()"
whose value would say what portions of Vector's public interface was
and wasn't exercised during the running of this test script. This both
tells the user what's been demonstrated and left out by this chapter,
and, because this coverage report would be shown as an Updoc answer, it
is automatically rechecked for accuracy.