For commerce to flourish on the Internet, it's becoming clear that developers need efficient tools to build secure commercial applications. This demo, while simple in design, is a metaphor for the larger picture of how to implement distributed commerce on the Internet using E. The E Extensions to Java from Electric Communities provide essential resources for writing secure, distributed applications.
This demo implements a secure, distributed, commercial environment that is easy to create using the E Extensions to Java. There are several main components of this demo:
- There is one virtual space that simulates a single commercial environment. This environment is shared by three machines running different platforms: Sun Solaris, Windows NT, and Windows 95. Shared objects (owned by the participating machines) are traded in this virtual space.
- The machines sharing this virtual space are able to communicate over the network with no central server. If any machine is shut down, the virtual space is still retained in the two surviving machines, minus the objects that were owned by the downed machine.
- The machines can create objects that are shared in the virtual space, yet retain ownership of the individual objects they create. Each machine knows not only about its own objects, but also the objects on the other machines.
- Objects can be owned and traded. A machine creating an object has trusted ownership of that object, and can transfer that ownership to another machine.
- Trading takes place according to a set of established rules on how ownership is determined and transferred.
All the code for this demo will be made available online at the Electric Communities web site at, along with the E extensions themselves and documentation. The objects in this demo are fully inheritable, and you can use them as a foundation for building your own applications.
In this demo, a single virtual space (representing a commercial environment) has a representation on three machines, each running a different platform. The machines can communicate with each other, yet each is fully independent of the others.
A machine can create an object to be shared in this virtual space. It creates an object by choosing it from a pulldown menu. Any machine creating an object owns that object. When a machine creates an object, a presence, or representation of that object, is also instantiated on the other machines. Any action taken by the object (for example, moving it around) is mirrored by the presences on the other machines. A window at the bottom of the screen shows what objects the machine owns. This window is updated each time the machine either creates or trades an object.
To trade an object, the machines use the Trading Table dialog. The Trading Table is an object itself that is independent of the machines; none of the machines own it. Any machine can propose a trade. For example, assume machine A wants to buy a red dot from Machine B. Machine A can see the red dot, since it appears as a presence on its workspace. However, to have actual ownership, it proposes a trade with Machine B.
To do this, Machine A brings up the Trading Table and drags its presence of the red dot to it, and any objects it offers to trade in turn (for example, a green square). The Trading Table with this proposed trade then appears on Machine B. Machine B can either ignore this trade proposal, or counter it by offering other objects to exchange (for example, it can propose that Machine A trade 2 green squares in exchange for the red dot). When both machines are satisfied by the offer, they click the Trade button. The objects then exchange ownership, which is reflected in the bottom window.
Note that in order to trade an object, the machine must actually have ownership of that object. Machine A could not have traded its two green squares if it did not own them.
Building commercial applications is nothing new. Many programmers today are coding programs similar to the one modeled by this demo. However, these applications generally operate on a strict client/server model--there is one central server machine, and multiple client machines. The server owns all the objects, and must ``approve'' all transactions among the clients.
Using a client/server approach can work for many situations. However, a major advantage to a decentralized commercial environment is its scalability. It's much easier to scale a decentralized environment to a larger community because processing can be distributed among the various machines; you don't have the problem of a central server eventually overloading as your system grows larger.
The E Extensions to Java are ideal for creating distributed applications such as the decentralized commercial environment in this demo. This is because E has built-in functionality for secure remote object communications. Any Java or E-object (which is a Java object with added E functionality) can send a message to another E-object, even if that E-object is on a different machine on the network; the objects do not need to know anything about underlying network protocols.
Because many of the communications details are already built into E, you don't have to manually code things like:
- Streams and threads
- Network access details like socket interfaces, pipes, or any other underlying network protocol.
For example, in some systems, if different nodes on a network need to communicate, you must explicitly include the addresses of those nodes and their communications protocols in the code. E, on the other hand, does this automatically.
And E lets you do things that are very difficult to program in other languages. For example, consider some these technical highlights of this demo (for more information on E concepts, see the E Programmer's Guide):
- When an object is created, the demo code automatically creates not only the original E-object on the owner machine, but also a remote presence of this object on all the other machines at the same time. It gives these presences a reference back to the original object in the form of a channel. A channel is a conduit object that carries messages from one object to another. Using this channel, each presence ``reports back'' to the original object to register itself.
- Since all the remote presences register themselves with the original object in this manner, the object has a list of all its remote instantiations. It can then simultaneously broadcast various messages to all of its presences at once (for example, a move message).
- In this demo, ownership is denoted by having the registrar of remote presences. When the machine trades an object, the trade message is broadcast to all remote presences. The presences then know to subsequently register themselves with and report to the object on the new machine. The registrar is thus transferred to the new machine, which means that it is now the owner of the object.
- The Trading Table is an independent E-object that can be instantiated, but not owned, on any of the machines. It uses E's deferring statements (such as eif) to ensure that it can wait for resolution on a proposed trade, and still be able to reject other trade offers while waiting for this resolution.
E's deferring statements let your program continue executing even if a certain code block is waiting for a value to be furnished. If it receives a value, that code block executes.
In addition to this distributed application functionality, E is built on Java. You can take full advantage of E's distributed communication functionality and easily integrate it with your Java code.
Electric Communities and the E logo are trademarks of Electric Communities. Use of the E logo for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Electric Communities may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws.
This document is copyrighted by Electric Communities with all rights reserved worldwide. Under copyright laws, this document may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Electric Communities. Under the law, copying includes translating into another language.
Java(TM), and HotJava(TM) are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Last Modified: 5/24/96