Abstraction Mechanisms for Access Control
by Mark S. Miller, Jonathan S. Shapiro |
Superseded by Robust Composition.
Proceedings of ASIAN'03,
edited by Vijay Saraswat. Springer Verlag
Eighth Asian Computing Science Conference
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai India
December 10-13 2003
thread root
Access control systems must be evaluated in part on how
well they enable one to distribute the access rights needed for cooperation,
while simultaneously limiting the propagation of rights which would create
vulnerabilities. Analysis to date implicitly assumes access is controlled
only by manipulating a system's protection state--the arrangement of the
access graph. Because of the limitations of this analysis, capability
systems have been "proven" unable to enforce some basic policies:
revocation, confinement, and the *-properties (explained in the text).
In actual practice, programmers build access abstractions--programs
that help control access, extending the kinds of access control that can
be expressed. Working in Dennis and van Horn's original capability model,
we show how abstractions were used in actual capability systems to enforce
the above policies. These simple, often tractable programs limited the
rights of arbitrarily complex, untrusted programs. When analysis includes
the possibility of access abstractions, as it must, the original capability
model is shown to be stronger than is commonly supposed.
At the Banquet: Mark
S. Miller, Kazunori
Ueda, ???, Fred
Photo by Vijay Saraswat
Supplemental Explanations
The following map of concepts may aid in following the paper:
The transition arrows show possible sequences of analysis.
The terminology and the example are explained in the paper.
Permission Now says what direct actions
may happen now. This is the current arrangement of permissions,
or state of the access graph, or protection state.
Actually, it is only the portion of the subgraph we know, which
already represents a bound on the actual graph. Analysis starts
We see here the subgraph at the moment that Bob receives access
to the Caretaker, carol2, assuming that Alice also drops
her links to Carol and carol2. The double arrow going off
the the diagram indicates our ignorance about who Alice, Bob, or
Carol already have access to and who has access to them. |
"<-" is the E symbol for
"eventually", so this blob represents "eventual permissions".
This includes all the permissions that various programs will actually
acquire because other programs granted them those abilities. Since
the actual behavior of other programs is intractable, calculating
this is intractable. |
Authority says what effects programs may
actually eventually cause, using both present and future permissions
and the actual behaviors of other programs. Calculating this is
intractable, so our analysis seeks safe approximations. An approximation
is safe if it includes all actual authority.
Because of the behavior of the revoker, Alice may affect target.
Because the the behavior of carol2 and the state of target, Bob
may affect Carol. Since this also affects the behavior of carol2,
we show the green authority line including her in its path. |
Arrangement / Permissions is an arrangement-only
bound on permissions, or potential de jure analysis,
calculating possible arrangements of eventual permissions based
only on the current arrangement. By itself it gives an unsafe result,
as it ignores the dangers posed by programs interacting with each
For our starting graph, this bound is no bound--everything becomes
fully connected. In this case, the estimate is safe but useless,
since it does not preclude any possibility.
We should probably have a notational convention where a fully connected
subgraph is simply aggregated into a single blob. After all, to
our analysis, it no longer has any internal structure. |
Behavior / Permissions is a partially
behavioral bound on permission, in which some program behavior
is taken into account, in order to set tighter bounds.
Assume we know that carol2, revoker, and target behave according
to the Caretaker code. Assume we know that Carol's behavior is to
not provide her clients with access to herself. We know nothing
further of her behavior, or anything about the behaviors of Alice,
Bob, or anyone beyond the horizon.
The open arrowheads are connectivity that could only have come
from prior connectivity beyond the horizon of our subgraph. If we
didn't know anything about Carol's behavior, then the arrowheads
on the Bob-to-Carol link would be closed. |
Arrangement / Authority is an arrangement-only
bound on authority, or potential de facto analysis. It
is safe because it takes account of the dangers from program behavior.
In this case, since the bound on permission was already all inclusive,
the bound on authority cannot be any larger. |
Behavior / Authority is a partially behavioral
bound on authority, which is still safe, but less conservative,
because it recognizes the possibility of using program behavior for
good as well as evil. This bound can be used to determine if a security
enforcing program can enforce a given policy objective. |
If we further assume that Alice sends a revoke()
message to the revoker at time t1, we know this erases the link from
target to Carol. Rerunning our analysis under these new conditions,
a partially behavioral bound on authority shows that Bob no longer
has authority to affect Carol, unless he separately obtains this authority
by virtue of their possible joint connectivity beyond the horizon. |