A surprising number of seemingly separate issues in the
design of E all come together
in the definition of the equality operations -- security, the reference
taxonomy, partial order constraints, the object-passing taxonomy, and
the collection classes. E has
two equality operations, the predicate same and the function
- In the E language, one
tests if two references, x and y, are the same with "x == y".
The Java/ELib programmer instead says "E.same(x, y)".
Both are spoken as "Is x the same as y?".
- In the E language, one
forms the join of x and y with " def z := E.join(x, y)",
which is spoken as "z is a vow for the join of x and y."
This Chapter uses the notation of the E
language, but the Java/ELib programmer should find everything easy to
The Grant Matcher Puzzle |
Defines the security problem E's
equality operations need to solve. |
4-Party Partial Orders |
Defines the concurrency problem E's
equality operators need to solve. |
Object Sameness |
When are two objects the same? |
Reference Sameness |
When are two references the same? Reference sameness and object
sameness are mutually recursive definitions, but the base cases are
mostly in object sameness, which should therefore be read first. |
Argument Passing Rules |
When a reference of a given kind is passed by an invoation of a
given kind, what kind of reference is received? |
Joining References |
Eventual mutual acceptability |