This page picks up where Reference
Mechanics left off, and assumes you've already read and understood
that page. The philosophy of E's
object equality is similar in philosophy to Henry Baker's Equal
Rights for Functional Objects or, The More Things Change, The More They
Are the Same.
The following diagrams, using the notations developed on the Reference
Mechanics page, illustrate the possible states of an object, organized
for purposes of reasoning about equality. The black arrow in the diagram
represents the one possible transition between these states: from Partial
to Complete.

We will reason about the sameness identity of an object by analogy
to formulas in logic programming (actually, Herbrand terms). A Settled
object is one whose sameness identity is represented by a ground
formula -- one with no unbound variables. Unbound variables correspond
to Promises, ie, Unresolved references, as we explain on the next
page. (*** problematic case: the Unconnected
reference. Ground or not?)
A Selfish object has atomic creation-based sameness identity,
or just creation identity. Each act of creating such an object
endows it with a unique atomic identity. It corresponds to a formula
consisting of a unique atomic ground symbol (ie, a gensym, not a logic
variable) that is not otherwise calculable. In many conventional languages
including Smalltalk, Java, and Scheme, all heap allocated objects
are Selfish -- they are EQ according to the address assigned to them
by where the act of creation allocated them. In E,
objects are Selfish (and PassByProxy) by default. Selfish objects
are always Settled.
A Selfless object has value-based sameness identity,
or just value identity. Two Selfless objects are the same (have
the same sameness identity) based on their contents, independently
of whether they descend from the same act of creation. All Selfless
objects are Transparent (reveal all their state in a standard
way through their protocol) and Frozen (immuable). An important
distinction not shown in the above diagram is between Scalars
and Composite Selfless objects:
E primitively provides
a fixed set of Scalars: null, booleans, ints, float64s,
and chars. In conventional languages, these are typically not
allocated on the heap. When they are not, conventional languages
also treat these as in effect Selfless. As with Selfish objects,
each scalar value corresponds to a unique atomic ground symbol,
but all these symbols are calculable by any calculation. Another
way to look at it is that all scalars are implicitly reachable
from anywhere, whereas Selfish object are reachable only by capability
rules. Scalars are always Settled.
E Strings (bare
Twine), being lists of chars, should in theory be dealt with as
Composite Selfless objects, but, for various pragmatic reasons,
are actually dealt with as Scalars. Strings are always Settled.
Composite Selfless objects are composed of components.
Two Composite Selfless objects are the same according to a cycle-tolerant
recursive sameness comparison of their respective components.
A Composite Selfless object is Settled iff all its components
are Settled. For any Selfless object x, x.__optUncall()
returns a canonical triple [receiver, verb, args] such
that E.call(receiver, verb, args) would create x
(that is to say, an object that's the same as x). For
a given x, there are many triples that, if performed,
would create x. However, the triple returned by x.__optUncall()
is canonical is that any two Composite Selfless objects that are
the same must return the same triple. (This constraint to be enforced
by auditing.)
The formula for the sameness identity of a Composite Selfless
object is the compound term resulting from replacing each component
with its sameness formula. When this expansion encounters a cycle,
then, conceptually, it creates an infinite rational tree as the
sameness formula. Two Settled Compound Selfless objects are the
same if their possibly infinite sameness formulas are the same.
*** Examples needed.
*** More to be written
PassByProxy Objects
*** To be written
PassByCopy Objects
*** To be written
Infinite Rational Trees
*** To be written