$ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


q - Variable in class java.security.spec.DSAPublicKeySpec
q - Variable in class java.security.spec.DSAPrivateKeySpec
q - Variable in class java.security.spec.DSAParameterSpec
QAstro - class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QAstro.
QAstro(AstroBuilder, SourceSpan) - Constructor for class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QAstro
QAstroArg - class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QAstroArg.
QAstroArg(AstroBuilder, SourceSpan) - Constructor for class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QAstroArg
QAtHole - class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QAtHole.
Untamed: An at-hole of a quasi-literal term expression extracts the specimen into a binding.
QAtHole(AstroBuilder, AstroTag, int, boolean, SourceSpan) - Constructor for class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QAtHole
Makes a hole that extracts a specimen into a binding.
QAtHoleMaker - Static variable in class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QAtHole
qbuild(QuasiBuilder) - Method in class org.erights.e.elang.evm.ENode
qbuild(QuasiBuilder) - Method in class org.erights.e.elang.evm.AssignExpr
qbuild(QuasiBuilder) - Method in class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QTerm
qbuild(QuasiBuilder) - Method in class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QSome
qbuild(QuasiBuilder) - Method in class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QFunctor
qbuild(QuasiBuilder) - Method in class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QDollarHole
qbuild(QuasiBuilder) - Method in class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QAtHole
qbuild(QuasiBuilder) - Method in class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QAstroArg
QBuilder - class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QBuilder.
QBuilder(AstroBuilder) - Constructor for class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QBuilder
QDollarHole - class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QDollarHole.
Untamed: A dollar hole of a quasi-literal term expression is filled in with a substitution arg.
QDollarHole(AstroBuilder, AstroTag, int, boolean, SourceSpan) - Constructor for class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QDollarHole
Makes a hole that is filled in by a substitution arg.
QDollarHoleMaker - Static variable in class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QDollarHole
QFunctor - class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QFunctor.
Untamed: A quasi-literal functor of a Term.
QFunctor(AstroBuilder, AstroTag, Object, SourceSpan) - Constructor for class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QFunctor
Makes a QTerm that matches or generates a Astro.
QFunctorMaker - Static variable in class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QFunctor
QHole - class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QHole.
Untamed: Represents a dollar-hole ("${}") or an at-hole ("@{}") that may be a functor-hole or a term-hole, and that may or may not insist on a tag.
QHole(AstroBuilder, AstroTag, int, boolean, SourceSpan) - Constructor for class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QHole
Makes a hole that matches a term (either a substitution-arg or a specimen), and either evaluates to it (if this is a dollar-hole) or extracts it (if this is an at-hole).
QParser - Static variable in class org.quasiliteral.text.EYaccFixer
qSendAll(Object, boolean, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.erights.e.elib.vat.Vat
Enabled: Enqueues a 'rec <- verb(args...)' and returns a promise for the result.
qSendAllOnly(Object, boolean, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.erights.e.elib.vat.Vat
Enabled: Enqueues a 'rec <- verb(args...)' when no conventional result is needed.
qSendMsg(Object, Message) - Method in class org.erights.e.elib.vat.Vat
Enabled: Enqueues the delivery of msg to rec.
QSome - class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QSome.
QSome(AstroBuilder, QAstroArg, char, SourceSpan) - Constructor for class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QSome
QSomeMaker - Static variable in class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QSome
qsort(Object[], int, int, CompFunc) - Static method in class org.erights.e.elib.tables.FlexListImpl
QTerm - class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QTerm.
Untamed: A quasi-literal Term, that matches or generates an actual Astro.
QTerm(AstroBuilder, QAstro, ConstList) - Constructor for class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QTerm
Makes a QTerm that matches or generates a Astro.
QTermMaker - Static variable in class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QTerm
qualifiedDocName() - Method in class com.combex.e.edoc.ETag
Return the qualified name of this tags' doc item.
qualifiedID() - Method in class antlr.ANTLRParser
Enabled: Match a.b.c.d qualified ids; WILDCARD here is overloaded as id separator; that is, I need a reference to the '.' token.
qualifiedName() - Method in class com.combex.e.edoc.EMemberDoc
Get the name.
qualifiedName() - Method in class com.combex.e.edoc.EConstructorDoc
Get the name.
qualifiedName() - Method in class com.combex.e.edoc.EClassDoc
Return the qualified class name as a String.
qualifiedTypeName() - Method in class com.combex.e.edoc.EPrimitiveType
Return qualified name of type excluding any dimension information.
qualifiedTypeName() - Method in class com.combex.e.edoc.EClassDoc
Return qualified name of type excluding any dimension information.
qualifiedTypeName() - Method in class com.combex.e.edoc.EArrayType
Return qualified name of type excluding any dimension information.
QUARTO - Static variable in class java.awt.MediaType
The MediaType instance for Quarto, 215 x 275 mm.
QuasiBuilder - interface org.quasiliteral.term.QuasiBuilder.
QuasiBuilderAdaptor - class org.quasiliteral.term.QuasiBuilderAdaptor.
Untamed: Wraps an AstroBuilder to pretend to be of type QuasiBuilder.
QuasiBuilderAdaptor(AstroBuilder) - Constructor for class org.quasiliteral.term.QuasiBuilderAdaptor
QuasiClose - Static variable in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EParser
QuasiContent - class org.capml.quasi.QuasiContent.
Deprecated. Use Term trees instead.
quasiContent() - Method in class org.capml.quasi.XMLQuasiParser
Deprecated. Top of recursive descent parser.
QuasiContent() - Constructor for class org.capml.quasi.QuasiContent
Deprecated. Enabled:
QuasiContentExprHole - class org.capml.quasi.QuasiContentExprHole.
Deprecated. Use Term trees instead.
QuasiContentExprHole(int) - Constructor for class org.capml.quasi.QuasiContentExprHole
Deprecated. Enabled:
QuasiContentExprHoleMaker - Static variable in class org.capml.quasi.QuasiContentExprHole
Deprecated. Enabled:
QuasiContentList - class org.capml.quasi.QuasiContentList.
Deprecated. Use Term trees instead.
QuasiContentList(ConstList) - Constructor for class org.capml.quasi.QuasiContentList
Deprecated. Enabled:
QuasiContentListMaker - Static variable in class org.capml.quasi.QuasiContentList
Deprecated. Enabled:
QuasiContentPattHole - class org.capml.quasi.QuasiContentPattHole.
Deprecated. Use Term trees instead.
QuasiContentPattHole(int) - Constructor for class org.capml.quasi.QuasiContentPattHole
Deprecated. Enabled:
QuasiContentPattHoleMaker - Static variable in class org.capml.quasi.QuasiContentPattHole
Deprecated. Enabled:
QuasiElement - class org.capml.quasi.QuasiElement.
Deprecated. Use Term trees instead.
quasiElement() - Method in class org.capml.quasi.XMLQuasiParser
QuasiElement(Object, QuasiContent) - Constructor for class org.capml.quasi.QuasiElement
Deprecated. Enabled: @param tagName If it's a String then this is the literal tag name.
QuasiElementMaker - Static variable in class org.capml.quasi.QuasiElement
Deprecated. Enabled:
quasiExpr(Object, Object) - Method in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.ENodeBuilder
Enabled: syntax`foo $bar baz $zip zorp` expands to syntax_quasiParser \ valueMaker("foo ${0} baz ${1} zorp") \ substitute([bar, zip])
quasiExpr(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EBuilder
Enabled: syntax`foo $bar baz $zip zorp` expands to syntax_quasiParser \ valueMaker("foo ${0} baz ${1} zorp") \ substitute([bar, zip])
QuasiExprParser - interface org.quasiliteral.base.QuasiExprParser.
Untamed: Given a template string in the language this quasi parser understands, parse it into a ValueMaker which will generate objects of the form the template describes.
QuasiFeeder - class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.QuasiFeeder.
Untamed: Like LineFeeder, but collapses @@ to @ and $$ to $.
QuasiFeeder(LineFeeder) - Constructor for class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.QuasiFeeder
QuasiLiteralExpr - class org.erights.e.elang.evm.QuasiLiteralExpr.
Untamed: BNF: '$' '{' '}'
QuasiLiteralExpr - Static variable in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EParser
quasiLiteralExpr() - Method in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.ENodeBuilder
Enabled: $$ expands to ${0}
quasiLiteralExpr() - Method in interface org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EBuilder
Enabled: $$ expands to ${0}
quasiLiteralExpr(Object) - Method in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.ENodeBuilder
quasiLiteralExpr(Object) - Method in interface org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EBuilder
QuasiLiteralExpr(SourceSpan, int) - Constructor for class org.erights.e.elang.evm.QuasiLiteralExpr
QuasiLiteralPatt - class org.erights.e.elang.evm.QuasiLiteralPatt.
Untamed: BNF: '$' '{' '}'
QuasiLiteralPatt - Static variable in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EParser
quasiLiteralPatt(Object) - Method in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.ENodeBuilder
quasiLiteralPatt(Object) - Method in interface org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EBuilder
QuasiLiteralPatt(SourceSpan, int) - Constructor for class org.erights.e.elang.evm.QuasiLiteralPatt
QuasiMetaBuilder - class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QuasiMetaBuilder.
Untamed: Wraps an AstroBuilder in order to represent a quasi-term-tree in terms of a term tree.
QuasiMetaBuilder(AstroBuilder) - Constructor for class org.quasiliteral.quasiterm.QuasiMetaBuilder
QuasiOpen - Static variable in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EParser
quasiPart() - Method in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.ELexer
XXX In order to enable optValue to be recovered from tagCode and source, we need four types rather than the current two: QuasiOpen and QuasiClose.
quasiPattern(Object, Object) - Method in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.ENodeBuilder
Enabled: syntax`foo $bar baz @zip zorp` expands to q ? (syntax__quasiParser \ matchMaker("foo ${0} baz @{0} zorp") \ matchBind([bar], q) =~ [zip])
quasiPattern(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EBuilder
Enabled: syntax`foo $bar baz @zip zorp` expands to q ? (syntax__quasiParser \ matchMaker("foo ${0} baz @{0} zorp") \ matchBind([bar], q) =~ [zip])
QuasiPatternExpr - class org.erights.e.elang.evm.QuasiPatternExpr.
Untamed: BNF: '@' '{' '}'
QuasiPatternExpr - Static variable in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EParser
quasiPatternExpr(Object) - Method in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.ENodeBuilder
quasiPatternExpr(Object) - Method in interface org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EBuilder
QuasiPatternExpr(SourceSpan, int) - Constructor for class org.erights.e.elang.evm.QuasiPatternExpr
QuasiPatternParser - interface org.quasiliteral.base.QuasiPatternParser.
Untamed: Given a template string in the language this quasi parser understands, parse it into a MatchMaker which will match objects of the form the template describes.
QuasiPatternPatt - class org.erights.e.elang.evm.QuasiPatternPatt.
Untamed: BNF: '@' '{' '}'
QuasiPatternPatt - Static variable in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EParser
quasiPatternPatt(Object) - Method in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.ENodeBuilder
quasiPatternPatt(Object) - Method in interface org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EBuilder
QuasiPatternPatt(SourceSpan, int) - Constructor for class org.erights.e.elang.evm.QuasiPatternPatt
QuasiText - class org.capml.quasi.QuasiText.
Deprecated. Use Term trees instead.
QuasiText(String) - Constructor for class org.capml.quasi.QuasiText
Deprecated. Enabled:
QuasiTextMaker - Static variable in class org.capml.quasi.QuasiText
Deprecated. Enabled:
QuasiTypes - Static variable in class org.erights.e.elang.syntax.EParser
query - Variable in class java.net.URL
The query part of this URL.
query - Variable in class java.net.URI
query - Variable in class java.net.Parts
QUERY - Static variable in interface org.erights.e.elib.eio.InStream
Enabled: proceed value: Does not advance the stream.
QueryContinueDrag(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSource
QueryFacet - interface net.caprest.QueryFacet.
QueryGetData(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSource
QueryGetData(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Clipboard
QueryInterface(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.OleEnumFORMATETC
QueryInterface(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTarget
QueryInterface(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSource
QueryInterface(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Clipboard
queryPerformanceCounter() - Static method in class net.vattp.security.Native
Get the current value of the Pentium Performance counter.
queryTimer() - Static method in class net.vattp.security.Native
Get the current value of the high-res timer in microseconds.
queryTimer() - Static method in class net.vattp.security.MicroTime
Enabled: Get the current value of the high-res timer in microseconds.
QUESTION - Static variable in interface antlr.ANTLRTokenTypes
QUESTION_DIALOG - Static variable in class javax.swing.JRootPane
Enabled: Constant used for the windowDecorationStyle property.
QUESTION_MESSAGE - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Enabled: Used for questions.
QuestionsTable - class net.captp.tables.QuestionsTable.
QuestionsTable() - Constructor for class net.captp.tables.QuestionsTable
queue - Variable in class antlr.TokenBuffer
queue - Variable in class antlr.InputBuffer
queue - Variable in class java.util.WeakHashMap
Reference queue for cleared WeakEntries
queue - Variable in class java.util.TimerThread
Our Timer's queue.
queue - Variable in class java.util.Timer
The timer task queue.
queue - Variable in class java.util.TaskQueue
Priority queue represented as a balanced binary heap: the two children of queue[n] are queue[2*n] and queue[2*n+1].
queue - Static variable in class javax.swing.AbstractActionPropertyChangeListener
Queue - class java.awt.Queue.
Queue - class org.erights.e.elib.vat.Queue.
Safe: A conventional fifo queue in which dequeued items are removed in the same order they were enqueued.
Queue() - Constructor for class java.awt.Queue
Queue() - Constructor for class org.erights.e.elib.vat.Queue
Enabled: Makes a Queue that can hold any object.
Queue(Class) - Constructor for class org.erights.e.elib.vat.Queue
Enabled: Makes a Queue that can hold objects of the specified elementType.
queueComponentWorkRequest(Component) - Static method in class javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities
This method is used by RepaintManager to queue a ComponentWorkRequest with invokeLater().
queueDataMsg(int, HTTPSocketCtl) - Method in class net.vattp.tunnel.HTTPClient
Queue a data message to be returned to the client as part of an HTTP_Session message.
queuedMessages - Variable in class org.erights.e.develop.trace.TraceLog
Messages are queued here before the Log is initialized and while switching to a new logfile.
queueMsg(byte[]) - Method in class net.vattp.tunnel.HTTPClient
Queue a message to be returned to the client as part of an HTTP_Session message.
queues - Variable in class java.awt.EventQueue
quitIf(boolean) - Method in class org.erights.e.develop.trace.TraceCaller
quoRemIteration(FDBigInt) - Method in class java.lang.FDBigInt
quote() - Method in class org.erights.e.elib.tables.Twine
Enabled: Returns a string that, when interpreted as a literal, represents the original string.
quote(Object) - Method in class org.erights.e.elib.oldeio.TextWriter
Enabled: quote(obj) differs from print(obj) in that the quoted form of the object is printed.
quote(String) - Static method in class java.awt.datatransfer.MimeTypeParameterList
A routine that knows how and when to quote and escape the given value.
quote(String) - Static method in class org.erights.e.develop.format.StringHelper
Enabled: Returns a string that, when interpreted as a literal, represents the original string.
quote(String, long, long) - Static method in class java.net.URI
quoteChar(int) - Method in class java.io.StreamTokenizer
Enabled: Specifies that matching pairs of this character delimit string constants in this tokenizer.
quotemeta(char[]) - Static method in class org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler
Enabled: Given a character string, returns a Perl5 expression that interprets each character of the original string literally.
quotemeta(String) - Static method in class org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler
Enabled: Given a character string, returns a Perl5 expression that interprets each character of the original string literally.

$ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _