Package net.captp.jcomm

The old renamed proxy-comm system -- the current implementation of CapTP.


Interface Summary
ObjectRefDesc How non-PassByConstruction objects are passed, ie, how references to them are passed.

Class Summary
CapTPMgr Untamed:
CapTPReplacer Used to specialize the SerializationStream for encoding a reference over a CapTP connection.
CapTPReviver Used to specialize the UnserializationStream for receiving state serialized over a CapTP connection.
Far3Desc The encoding of FarRef over the wire to someone other than the vat it points into.
FarHandler A resolved reference that's still remote is necessarily a reference to a PassByProxy object.
IdentityMgr Untamed: An instance of the object is accessible in the privileged scope under the name "identityMgr".
ImportDesc The re-encoding of an exported reference.
IncomingDesc The encoding of an remote ref over the wire to the ref's originator, to be imported as the object designated by that ref.
Introducer Untamed:
LocatorUnum Untamed:
LookupHandler A handler for the special remote reference at position zero to the other side's NonceLocator
NonceLocator Untamed:
ObjectID Untamed: A pairing of a VatID and a SwissHash, uniquely identifying a Selfish object without providing access to the object.
Promise3Desc The encoding of a RemotePromise over the wire to someone other than the vat it points into.
RemoteHandler Handles the tail-ends of remote references.
RemotePromiseHandler Handles an unresolved remote reference (a RemotePromise).
SturdyRef Safe: An object reference that can be checkpointed and/or externalized and which can survive network partitions.

Package net.captp.jcomm Description

The old renamed proxy-comm system -- the current implementation of CapTP.

Chip Morningstar, Mark S. Miller
