Interface Purse

public interface Purse

Untamed: A mutable vessel holding transferable erights.

Mark S. Miller

Method Summary
 Assay depositAll(Purse src)
          Enabled: If src is a Purse acceptable to the Issuer of this Purse, transfer all of its erights into this Purse, and return an Assay describing how much was transfered into this Purse (as opposed to how much was lost from src).
 Assay getAssay()
          Enabled: An Assay describing the erights currently contained in this Purse.
 Issuer getIssuer()
          Enabled: The Issuer of the erights that can be held in this Purse.

Method Detail


public Issuer getIssuer()
Enabled: The Issuer of the erights that can be held in this Purse.


public Assay getAssay()
Enabled: An Assay describing the erights currently contained in this Purse.


public Assay depositAll(Purse src)
                 throws UnsealingException
Enabled: If src is a Purse acceptable to the Issuer of this Purse, transfer all of its erights into this Purse, and return an Assay describing how much was transfered into this Purse (as opposed to how much was lost from src).

Otherwise, throw an UnsealingException

