Package org.apache.oro.text.regex

This package used to be the OROMatcher library and provides both generic regular expression interfaces and Perl5 regular expression compatible implementation classes.


Interface Summary
MatchResult Untamed:
Pattern Untamed:
PatternCompiler Untamed: The PatternCompiler interface defines the operations a regular expression compiler must implement.
PatternMatcher Untamed:
Substitution Untamed:

Class Summary
OpCode The OpCode class should not be instantiated.
PatternMatcherInput Safe:
Perl5Compiler Safe: The Perl5Compiler class is used to create compiled regular expressions conforming to the Perl5 regular expression syntax.
Perl5Debug Untamed: The Perl5Debug class is not intended for general use and should not be instantiated, but is provided because some users may find the output of its single method to be useful.
Perl5Matcher Safe: The Perl5Matcher class is used to match regular expressions (conforming to the Perl5 regular expression syntax) generated by Perl5Compiler.
Perl5MatchResult A class used to store and access the results of a Perl5Pattern match.
Perl5Pattern Untamed: An implementation of the Pattern interface for Perl5 regular expressions.
Perl5Repetition Perl5Repetition is a support class for Perl5Matcher.
Perl5Substitution Untamed: Perl5Substitution implements a Substitution consisting of a literal string, but allowing Perl5 variable interpolation referencing saved groups in a match.
StringSubstitution Untamed: StringSubstitution implements a Substitution consisting of a simple literal string.
Util Untamed: The Util class is a holder for useful static utility methods that can be generically applied to Pattern and PatternMatcher instances.

Exception Summary
MalformedPatternException Untamed: A class used to signify the occurrence of a syntax error in a regular expression that is being compiled.

Package org.apache.oro.text.regex Description

This package used to be the OROMatcher library and provides both generic regular expression interfaces and Perl5 regular expression compatible implementation classes.
