Interface Marker

All Known Subinterfaces:
DeepPassByCopy, EType, LexerFace, ObjectRefDesc, PassByConstruction, PassByProxy, Persistent, Selfless
All Known Implementing Classes:
AstroTag, BaseLexer, BaseSchema, Brand, ConstList, ConstMap, ConstSet, Deflector, DelayedRedirector, DisconnectedRef, EArrayType, EClassDoc, EComment, EDoc, EImplByProxy, EList, EMap, EParameter, EPrimitiveType, ESet, ETag, Far3Desc, FlexList, FlexMap, FlexSet, GraphParam, ImportDesc, IncomingDesc, Introducer, LocatorUnum, LocatorUnumDesc, MessageDesc, NetConfig, NewFarDesc, NewRemotePromiseDesc, Node, ObjectID, Once, ParamDesc, Promise3Desc, QAstroArg, QuasiContent, ReadOnlyFile, Redirector, ReplayLexer, Retainer, ROList, ROMap, ROSet, SealedBox, Sealer, SourceSpan, StaticMaker, StemCell, SturdyRef, Term, Twine, TypeDesc, UnconnectedRef, Unsealer, Vine, WhenBrokenReactor, WhenResolvedReactor

public interface Marker

Untamed: An interface declares itself to be a marker interface by extending Marker.

A marker interface is used to declare that a type, or objects of a particular type, have some property associated with the marker interface. Whereas the guard/auditor associated with a non-marker interface is rubber stamping (allowing deflection of all Callables), the guard/auditor associated with a marker interface is, be default, not.

Mark S. Miller
