Package org.erights.e.elib.serial

Support classes for serializing and unserializing object graphs.


Interface Summary
DeepPassByCopy Untamed: Marker interface that declares objects to be transitively PassByCopy, ie, to be transitively Selfless, Transparent, and PassByConstruction.
Loader Safe: XXX need to fix java-documentation.
Marker Untamed: An interface declares itself to be a marker interface by extending Marker.
PassByConstruction Untamed: Marker interface that makes objects passable-by-construction via CapTP.
PassByProxy Untamed: Marker interface that makes objects passable-by-proxy via captp.
Persistent Untamed: Marker interface that enables object to be saved and restored using the org.erights.e.elib.serial.SerializationStream and org.erights.e.elib.serial.UnserializationStream as parameterized by org.erights.e.extern.persist.PersistenceReplacer and org.erights.e.extern.persist.PersistenceReviver.
Uncaller Safe:

Class Summary
BaseLoader Untamed:
DeepFrozenAuditor Untamed: The guard and auditor known as "DeepFrozen".
DeepPassByCopyAuditor Untamed: The guard and auditor known as "DeepPassByCopy".
PassByConstructionAuditor Untamed: The guard and auditor known as "pbc".
PassByCopyAuditor Untamed: The guard and auditor known as "PassByCopy".
PassByProxyGuard Untamed: The guard known as "PassByProxy".
PersistentAuditor Safe: The guard (and auditor) known as "Persistent" and the auditor (and guard) known as "PersistentAuditor".
PersistentKeyHolder Untamed:
RemoteCall Safe: A RemoteCall unserializes into the result of
RemoteDelivery Safe: A RemoteDelivery unserializes into the result of
Replacer Untamed: Used to parameterize a SerializationStream.
Reviver Untamed: Used to parameterize an UnserializationStream.
SerializationStream Untamed:
Serializer Safe: A SerializationStream as specialized by a Serializer should represent no magic authority -- the serialized infomation it produces should only include information obtainable by unprivileged code all written in E.
UnserializationStream Untamed:
Unserializer Safe: Used to specialize the UnserializationStream for reviving from state serialized using a corresponding Serializer, where this reviving uses no magic authority.

Package org.erights.e.elib.serial Description

Support classes for serializing and unserializing object graphs.

Important insights due to Arturo Bejar.

Mark S. Miller
