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Interface Summary | |
Auditor | Untamed: |
EverReactor | Untamed: |
EverReporter | Untamed: Reports new values to subscribed EverReactor s. |
Guard | Untamed: |
Slot | Untamed: |
SlotGuard | Untamed: A SlotGuard creates the slot used to implement a variable, and thereby serves as the dynamic equivalent of a variable declaration. |
ValueGuard | Untamed: A ValueGuard will either coerce an input to a value that matches some condition, or it will fail. |
Class Summary | |
AnyGuard | Safe: The "any" guard behavior -- don't worry, be happy. |
Auditable | Untamed: This is a trusted class, and may only be directly subclassed by classes trusted to play by the rules -- to only pass in a set of approvers that truly do approve of the E-behavior of the instance. |
AuditChecker | Untamed: This implements the object available as "__auditedBy" in the universal scope, which represents the lookup facet on the registry of successful audits. |
BaseAuditor | Safe: Most Auditors will also double as ValueGuards and SlotGuards in a stereotyped way. |
BaseGuard | Safe: |
FinalGuard | Safe: The canonical instance, bound to "final" in the initial environment, is a SlotGuard that makes final slots, coercing the permanent value through an optional valueGuard argument, if present. |
FinalSlot | Untamed: An immutable slot whose initial value is its only value. |
ListGuard | Safe: |
MapGuard | Safe: |
NullOkGuard | Safe: The canonical instance (THE_ONE) is bound to "nullOk" in the initial environment, and accepts null as a valid value. |
RuinedSlot | Untamed: A ruined slot responds to both getValue() and setValue by throwing the problem that explains why it's ruined. |
SettableGuard | Safe: The canonical instance is bound to "settable" in the initial environment, and makes SettableSlots that coerce through an optionally provided ValueGuard argument. |
SettableSlot | Untamed: A mutable Slot that remembers a current value, and remembers a ValueGuard for coercing new values. |
SimpleSlot | Untamed: A coercion-free settable Slot. |
SlotDefiner | Untamed: The instance, bound to the name "__defineSlot" in the initial environment, is a SlotGuard that, when asked to make a slot holding a specimen, simply returns the specimen coerced to the type 'Slot'. |
TupleGuard | Safe: |
UnionGuard | Safe: Composes a sequence of guards to form a union type. |
VoidGuard | Safe: Bound to "void" in the initial environment, it coerces all values to null. |
The built in SlotGuards and ValueGuards, which implement E's variable "declaration" and return type "declaration".
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