Class Summary |
QAstro |
Untamed: |
QAstroArg |
Untamed: |
QAtHole |
Untamed: An at-hole of a quasi-literal term expression extracts the specimen into
a binding. |
QBuilder |
Untamed: |
QDollarHole |
Untamed: A dollar hole of a quasi-literal term expression is filled in with a
substitution arg. |
QFunctor |
Untamed: A quasi-literal functor of a Term . |
QHole |
Untamed: Represents a dollar-hole ("${}") or an at-hole ("@{}")
that may be a functor-hole or a term-hole, and that may or may not insist
on a tag. |
QSome |
Untamed: |
QTerm |
Untamed: A quasi-literal Term, that matches or generates an actual Astro . |
QuasiMetaBuilder |
Untamed: Wraps an AstroBuilder in order to represent a quasi-term-tree in
terms of a term tree. |